Comfortably Numb Poem by DM W

Comfortably Numb

He can be considered comfortably numb.
For nowadays he doesn't drink so often.
But has Prozac prescribed sporadically.
He takes regular exercise at the gym.
How he loves to attend that secular shrine!
He's a 24 hour news & sports junkie.
A keen consumer of the latest products,
He adores wearing anything with brand names.

He cannot be described as a citizen
In the more traditional sense of the word.
For he's a rather passive floating voter:
Wooed by slogans and big personalities.
He doesn't seem concerned about policies.
Distracted by enticing lifestyle choices,
He goes on many holidays in the sun.
He likes to bet in casinos from time to time.

He avoids fatty foods; stocks up on yoghurt
But still relies heavily on pre packaged meals.
He frequents night clubs, when he is in the mood,
But doesn't read fancy novels much these days.
He prefers to go on line and surf the Net.
And on Ebay, he buys and sells lots of junk.
He likes to laugh aloud at surreal adverts
And the classic comedy repeats on 'Dave.'

He gets on okay at his brand new work place.
He is most at ease with fellow employees.
And detached but still in tune with the rat race.
He sleeps like a baby; so snug as a bug.
And no longer experiences nightmares.
Now he knows how to deal with all the madness.
He has a certain interest in stocks and shares.
He's no longer religious but humanist.

He is not in love but enjoys one night stands.
He is adept at filling in forms like a
Lobotomised monkey, for all manner of things.
For he's now very well adjusted to the game.
He accepts the fact that he is truly trapped
Like the proverbial hamster on a wheel
Or a goldfish in bowl circling around
Aimlessly but still functioning...just drifting.

Thursday, April 11, 2019
Topic(s) of this poem: modern
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