Corona! Poem by Juliet Languedoc


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Did you hear about the thing?
they say it putting
humans down flat

Uh oh, the Corona is that the
Covid-19 causing the respiratory
tract major! major! problems? Yes, it is!

it is sad to think everyone on the
brink before their country begins to sink
with this thing.

Listen! this is not a joke
enough people already got poke
it is running like wildfire and
information spreading everyone needs to cover.

Cover what? the face! With what?
a mask don't put it over your eyes - just the nose and mouth
to prevent particles in any form from escaping
this is a life and death disease
not only that it has created a business
people selling all kind of masks; but, be careful because
some of them are asking you to try it on and when you do, you
become knocked as well as robbed.

This disease is very serious especially if you are sick or
is a senior, you are more susceptible. They closed schools, businesses, stores, and borders too. However, please protect
yourself there is no vaccine to cure this thing yet. So obey, self-quarantine, wash your hands with soap and water, use hand sanitizers, social distance, let God be your Best Friend, love Him, and keep the
Ten Commandments!

Monday, June 22, 2020
Topic(s) of this poem: disease
Dr Antony Theodore 05 July 2020

this is a life and death disease not only that it has created a business people selling all kind of masks; but, be careful because some of them asking you to try it on and when you do it knocking you out and they rubbing you. How fast all can change in the whole world. astonishing developments. tony

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