Could Anything Blossom If It Believed It Could? Poem by Mary Nagy

Could Anything Blossom If It Believed It Could?

I wonder why certain plants
never blossom into flowers.
Have they been told that
they can't?
Have they been told that
it's impossible?

If somebody took the time
to tell a fern that
it could do it...
that one day it could bloom
with beautiful flowers...
do you think it could happen?

Do we not give certain plants
enough credit?
Do we convince them that
there is no use in trying
to be anything other than
a plain ol' plant?

I think we should
give all living creatures
the hope
of one day blooming
and then see
what may come of it.

We just may be suprised

Ernestine Northover 01 April 2006

I shall start talking to my plants in my shop now Mary, and maybe I can start a new 'happening'. A sweet poem which I enjoyed very much. Love and hugs Ernestine XXX

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Duncan Wyllie 01 April 2006

I know of one delicate rose that was left out in the cold, the storm it blew both day and night and the young sibling dreamed of becoming old.Then one day and not by chance she broke out from the border a beautiful flower she grew into Mary it's you within natures order. God BlessYou and your precious family.Love Duncan

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Sandra Fowler 01 April 2006

Lovely poem. Very original thinking. Kindest regards, Sandra

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Charles M Moore 31 March 2006

Beautiful and simple idea put well withthe questioning of nurturing life.

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Uriah Hamilton 31 March 2006

You are right! ! We have to believe in the beauty of everything! !

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