Death In His Darkest Hour... Poem by Sara Jo Andrews

Death In His Darkest Hour...

I see you my dark friend.
I hear you my dark friend.
This night I know not what brings
You to leave your calling card upon my step.
This is not my darkest hour…
It has long since came and passed.
You are too late to take what you seek.
I watch you as you realize the truth.
I see the shadows pass over your eyes.
I hear the soft breath you take in surprise.
I turn and take your sign from my step.
I hand you the rose black as night, which you leave.
I tell you my dark friend that tonight I come to thee…
Those parting words you said to so many, strikes fear in your heart, which is black as sin.
My dark fiend you realize that you, Death, is in your darkest hour.
And that I Life, has come to thee…
You fear what I have to give you.
I lay my white rose in your other hand.
Farewell for now, Death, my dearest friend…
-Sara Jo Andrews 06/11/08

Reeka ! . 22 June 2008

I like the ending with the white rose. Pretty genius, if i do say so myself.

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