Definition Of A Free World Poem by Chan Mongol

Definition Of A Free World

Definition of a free world
(Rhymes of Chan Mongol)

Have you been outside and opened your eyes?
Did you try to respect those lands and their guys?
We all are same in system, shape, inner and outer;
Consumers of the Sun, moon, earth, air and water!

We take births to spend some time and then die;
It's nice to be nice, greet each other and say hi!
Why divisions, boundaries and discriminations?
Why not equal distributions between all nations?

With greed, anger, animosity, harmful jealousy;
With selfish behaviors why you create atrocity?
Share wealth for needy and hungry feeding;
With lesser countries and calculative breeding!

M N O P Q R S, many creatures are so nice;
Let's live like bees, animals who don't do vice!
Why do you invest in hazardous competition?
By being selfish and pass it on to own generation!

It supposed to be a free world to roam and eat;
Feel fit as humans then, friends and families to meet!
To live, let live without violating rights of others;
There will be enough resources without bothers!

Let unfortunates get what are surplus to you!
More and more! Why do you put in your queue!
To free us, governments should have duties!
To give air, water, heat and all natural beauties!

A free world is a natural place to live a life;
It is a privilege from birth till we get ripe!
We own nothing but we are allowed to use!
In necessities and in around our views!

Have you been outside and opened your eyes?
Did you try to respect those lands and their guys?
We all are same in system, shape inner and outer;
Consumers of the Sun, moon, earth, air and water!

Monday, April 2, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: liberation
Chan Mongol

Chan Mongol

East Bengal (Bangladesh)
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