Destructive Practices Poem by Jill Ferrey

Destructive Practices

In the dark of night
She sits alone, deep in thought
Wondering if she will ever again see light
Thinking of past battles already fought

She hears the constant inner voice
Berating her for not listening to her instinct
For always making the wrong choice
Leaving behind continuous regret ever so distinct

Most of these thoughts leave her feeling
That at times she is losing control
She feels like she is forever reeling
In constant search to at last feel whole

But days filled with self doubt
Constantly, daily committing self blame
Sometimes blame so heavy in its weight
It leaves her numb, almost as though she were going lame

When do the questions stop?
When does much needed healing start?
Will she ever accept, she is only one
To accomplish what she has thus far, surely this is a start?

She needs to come to that tranquil place
The one each person has deep inside
She needs to hasten and eventually erase
All pain and negativity from body, mind and soul

For all that needs and should be established
Has yet to show and guide her to time better spent
On life, love and all the wonder it brings
To ensure that once again her damaged heart and tainted
Soul learn to sing!

Jill Ferrey

Jill Ferrey

Virginia, South Africa
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