Did I Know Poem by Kayode Are

Did I Know

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My mother's litter
Had a dozen and one
But did I know I had no brother
Until adversity drained my bone

My parlor was always full of friends
There for reasons they prize
Not after I shed the garb of office
Did I know no friend of solace

My neighborhood is full of millions
But did I know I had no country
Until the gale of falsehood by minions
Made propriety a capital crime

My treasury is full of accolades
Prizes and honors of highest grade
But did I know integrity was of no value
Until I heard society acclaim crooks noble

My memory is loaded with myriad worry
Of a promising polity fluff its glory
But did I know a day will soon come
When a savior will make good our home

Saturday, March 28, 2015
Topic(s) of this poem: societal
Modupe 11 January 2019

pretecious people They stay around you for their personal benefits.We have lost our values...

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Muzahidul Reza 14 December 2017

My treasury is full of accolades Prizes and honors of highest grade But did I know integrity was of no value Until I heard society acclaim crooks noble, dear poet, you have exactly written and also commented on the down fall of the society, any way, we need try to bring out ways, ..... thanks for sharing

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Kumarmani Mahakul 14 October 2017

It is a beautiful poem on present society having haunting and touching expression with nice collocation. Let me quote.. My treasury is full of accolades Prizes and honors of highest grade But did I know integrity was of no value Until I heard society acclaim crooks noble Thanks for sharing.10

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