Did You Really Make Me, Me Poem by David Knox

Did You Really Make Me, Me

Dear God,

You said you could take my doubts
I'm sorry I'm not filled with love an adoration right now
But this is what I think, I know you'd want me to be honest
So this is what I'm really wondering, so answer me

Dear God,

Did you really make me, me?
God you gave me eyes to see
God you gave me every hair on head
God you gave me life and now I'm not dead
You said you gave me all the gifts I had
For the longest time
I scorned these gifts saying I had none, not even this rhyme
But you're my loving Father, God you're my dad
But did you really make me me?

Dear God,

You gave me all of my gifts, so You gave me the gift to run
You gave me everything, so You gave me the motivation to run
Didn't you God?
Doesn't this mean that you gave me this desire?
I love to hike, I love each and every esplanade
Did you MAKE me to love them prior
Or did I learn to?
Did you make me with my desires, all of them, was that really You?
If it was then aren't you pleased when I run
Aren't you pleased when I do those things You made me for
Even if it makes my legs sore, my mind sore, whatever sore.
Aren't you pleased with me, pleased with your son?

Dear God,

Did You MAKE me with ALL my desires, everything I like to do
Do You bless my efforts with them too
I just don't understand why I like anything unless you made me that way
I just don't understand because what I really want to say
Right now is that I'm doubting
I'm thinking
That I gave myself these desires, but Father
Sorry to be a bother
But I cannot handle that conclusion
Tell me it's all an illusion
Tell me my desires ARE from YOU
Because if they're not, I don't know what I'd do
I'd question everything that I do
I might even start to question You too
I wouldn't know my purpose or if I should run
If I should spend hours in the sun
If I should play video games or eat ramen
If I should ride my bike
If I should go out and hike
This is way too much of a strain
I cannot bear this burden of worrying about what to do
So please tell me it's from You
Please tell me you made me to run God
God you said You can handle my doubts.... but I cant feel you right now
God I know you're there so I bow
But I'm doubting, tell me you made me Father.... Father....

Dear God,

Please promise me that you made me, me

David Knox

David Knox

does it matter?
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