Divine Orchestra Poem by PRAVEEN KUMAR English

Divine Orchestra

All is subtle music in this world,
A divine orchestra is playing on,
By whom, for what, none ever know,
Nor when it began, why of it all,
Intangible thoughts of billions years
Failed to answer, nor ever answer;
Grotesque is its pitch, but all attuned,
Scattered all moves, but a system in it,
An organic structure invisible to eyes
Make cosmic music incomprehensible,
Only felt, perceived by intuitive minds.

World looks fell bedlam at first sight,
No tools to hold maddening crowds,
No rules, laws, but for inanimate world
And world looks like a battle field,
What Darwin called, survival of fittest -
This is what an uninitiated finds,
Disturbances, noises, disorders all;
Only a trained ear hears cosmic song there,
And celestial laws in atoms and cosmos,
All enwrapped and attuned to perfection
That makes this world a cosmic music.

All is grand harmony in this world,
Spring and autumn, day and night,
How fullmoon-newmoon run for each,
Man and woman, how they match,
Grief and joy, complementing each,
Rose and thorns, creepers and trees -
Each together build beautiful world,
Spawn lovely melody, subtle and godly;
Rise and fall, and crest and trough,
Each tail to head in moving cycles
Bring myriad rhythms and myriad rhymes,
Bring lilt and cadence of celestial depth,
Only a silent soul hears while attuned to it.

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