Do It Until Your Heart's Content Poem by James Onuska

Do It Until Your Heart's Content

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It was hardly a point of departure.
I will get it next week, the jumping off point.
Do you think I'm afraid.
Screw the cap on. Another feather in your cap.
Drill it in, it affects everything worth saving.
Not a trace, bring a bread basket.
Fill the casket with stones, shrivel up.
Don't cast stones, don't be so nervous.
I had it clocked, dry behind the ears.
Keep from freezing, pulls ahead.
A puffy daddy thrills to hear his name.
Take him out on a dark street, win him back.
Even the feet don't reach to beseech, it is an effective weapon.
I see stretch marks, mark of a true marksman.
Park it somewhere lovingly, counter.
You have a shining cross, I'm not well.
Works to perfection, cast some doubt.
You know how to flex, get picked apart, lubricate.
I work well with engines, my timing is off.
Don't even start on me, works wonders.
Call me crazy, never a dead end.
It functions on its own, what an upstart.
Don't overwork the human race. Have it pull over. I can barely keep up with you. Never nearer always taller, stand up. Go at a full tilt, bob and weave. Up someone's sleeve. It is not genuine. Pinch the roots. Double clench. Be methodical. It's tender. There it is done. I'm done with office bearers. Short crease. I'm not trying to deceive. Live a little, vacation on your own time that solves that. A switch was pulled. Pulled over. Time me out, strapped for time. Time for scraps. Magically appears. I don't think I could say it any clearer. Wet the outer edges. Wedge. It takes strength from all concerned. The ground needs reduced. Don't have the source yet. Keep braiding. Take a wait and see approach.
Never got the details straight. Hook and stiff. You will make things legit. Shave seconds off. Steam roll ahead. Take it to bed. Vexed. Find a good place for it. See everyone running. What a bore. Reach deep inside. Don't collide. How wide do you want it. I didn't bring the cereal. Practice the ritual. Off the beaten path. What's the serial number. I just saw a tumbler. Awake with pride. This smart aleck kid got it wrong. A throng of people is nearby. I'm counting on you. Are you having stew. Stew in your own juices. What grew out of the cement. An avenue. Get the ending. Delay lying flat. I come well versed in such things. Normalcy. Still have the pattern, all notched up. I'm wise to it. Bring in a bear. Do you think it's wise. Do it until your heart's content. No more long days in the grass. Can I scratch. Who was left to do the hiring, spit fire. Join in the chorus. It wasn't forced. I will do the spying. A counter weight, wasn't tried for strength. Driftwood, drift on back. Don't get stacked. I live apart from everyone else. It was able. Cable.

Sunday, October 16, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: abstract,life
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