Dogmatic Views Of Hypricits And Bigits Poem by chance .........

Dogmatic Views Of Hypricits And Bigits

Pulling me down
this struggle never seems to end

no one gets this message
that im trying to send

we are different
not the same

we are an enigma to you
because you wont open up your mind

long enough to understand me
and these friends of mine

we never got the chance
or the choice

to get the normal people
to hear our voice

we never got the chance
to let them see

the kind of people
we could be

cause you judge us based
upon dogmatic facts

acting like we are contagious
and going to turn you into a fag

stop being so tuculant
and give us a chance

cause we are all the same
except the fact that i wear ''girl pants''

we live in America
land of the free

where it doesnt f*cking matter
what they want us to be

yet you act like a fascist
a dictator or of the extreme right

like f*cking puff puff
and no passits tonight

but see me and my friends
we are patriots to the cause

we are not going to take this
laying down, jumping up

and grabbing life by the balls
we dont care if its against the laws

we are the gays and bi's
emo's and trani's
poets and cutters
and those of us
that refuse to break bread
the athiest and satinist
and even the christian or two

we've got this last thing
to say to you before we let you go

listen up cause
here we go

United we stand
F*ckith thee
cause baby this is who we are proud to be

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