Don'T Wanna Be You Poem by Heather Hill

Don'T Wanna Be You

Pretending everything is ok
Wanting things to stay the same
But deep down I want to change
I don't want to end up being the same

Every time I look around everyone's the same
They all look the same, act the same
I don't want to end up like everyone else
I wanna be different

I'm not meant to look like you
I'm not meant to act like you
I'm meant to be me
I'm meant to make a whole new me

I just wanna scream out loud
And let my voice be heard
Cause I just wanna be me
I don't want to be like you

You're the one who will fall
When I will be standing tall
On my own two feet
Cause no one can knock me down now

I'm unstoppable
I'm not meant to be like you
I'm not meant to act like you
But I am meant to be me

And live my life the way I want
No one can tell me how to dress
Cause I know my friends will accept me
For who I am

Thats what friends are for
They accept you for you
And we all look different and act different
Looks don't always matter

I just wanna be me
And express the way I feel
Wear what every I want
Live the way I want

Written in 2006 or 2007

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