Dopey Dora - A Border Collie Poem by Phil Soar

Dopey Dora - A Border Collie

I call her Dopey Dora
Though that's not her real name
She's got a major screw loose
that really is a shame
faced with such a problem
she is however, fine
A border collie through and through
and the pleasure is all mine

I feel a little sorry for her
she just cannot keep still
her brain is like a processor
and she has no time to kill
she doesn't seem to switch it off
it must cause her distress
her legs just want to run away
her mind won't let her rest

She has a way of imposing guilt
upon the family home
staring through your very soul
until you let her roam
or better still, just play awhile
and then to play some more
a tennis ball or two will do
while I sit on the floor

The 'rule' is that there is no rule
she WILL impose her law
which is, that nothing matters
except a tennis ball
or maybe just another walk
and then to play again
her stare cannot be just ignored
without a little pain

And so this dog has taken us
through so much fun and games
her life has been a joyous one
lets hope lots more remains
she's Misty, and we love her so
Her name's just right for her
a cloudy mind, that won't give up
and a brain that's just a blur!

Monday, April 6, 2015
Topic(s) of this poem: dogs
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