Echoes Of Love's Pain: A Journey Towards Healing Poem by Sweta Leena Panda

Echoes Of Love's Pain: A Journey Towards Healing

In the depths of my heart, pain does reside,
Whenever I hurt the one I loved, tears collide.
For I never wished to make you a stranger or foe,
But it seems we're at a crossroads, and now I must know.

Moments we shared, so precious and dear,
Forever etched in my soul, I hold them near.
I never desired to hurt or despise,
Yet the time has come for me to realize.

As I grow older, time slips away,
I can't wait indefinitely for love's sway.
Do you accept me or leave me adrift,
Tell me, dear one, where does our bond drift?

Must we move forward or remain as we are,
Such is life's path, as bright as a star.
A practical soul, I trust not in deceit,
False hopes and drama, I'm eager to defeat.

Many have come and gone, playing their role,
But you've made my life unstable, taking a toll.
Are you punishing me or testing my love true,
If the answer is yes, may you find love anew.

Love is a treasure, not easily found,
And not everyone's heart with its grace is bound.
I care not for myself, my own strife,
But I pray you learn life's bitter truths, rife.

Though I forgive you, it's hard to forget,
The pain and the shattering, my heart beset.
But one day I'll rise, piece by piece,
With God's blessings, my journey finds peace.

My life's path unfold, smooth and serene,
As I strive to make my existence pristine.
For you, I wish clarity and wisdom's embrace,
As you walk towards a life filled with grace.

In poetic verses, my emotions unfold,
A tale of love and pain, once untold.
But as time passes, wounds shall heal,
Leaving behind scars that time shall seal.

Echoes Of Love's Pain: A Journey Towards Healing
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