Enough Talk Of Poem by Francis Duggan

Enough Talk Of

Enough talk of sports and politics of late that's all we hear about
Of the Football Finals and the Federal Election we are left in little doubt
That these things should be seen as important quite important to us all
But not everybody is interested in politics and football.

Enough talk of war and terrorism of late enough of those we hear
They are used for gain by politicians in their politics of fear
They give life to war and terror one to the other lead
We sow the seeds of karma such talk we do not need.

Enough talk of winners and losers such talk promotes a social divide
Those who apply those words to the success or lack of success of people humanity deride
Such people in their ignorance lack in respect for human dignity
As values go they are bankrupt they live in mental poverty.

Enough talk of development for such a huge environmental price to pay
The outer suburbs getting bigger more new factories and houses every day
Though people need houses to live in high rise buildings perhaps the answer to suburban spread
Enough talk of development far too much of that already said

Enough talk of our own importance the word I too often used
Of too much self adulation I too must stand accused
It tells so much about us our use of the words Me, Myself and I
We just like all other animals too live for awhile and die.

Enough talk of monarchs and national leaders far too much out of them is made
They live in the lap of luxury underworked and grossly overpaid
And enough talk of celebrities with their heads full of conceit
The shy and unsung step forward it is you I wish to meet.

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