Eternal Embrace. A Ghostly Saga Poem by Mervyn Graham

Eternal Embrace. A Ghostly Saga

Rating: 5.0

In the shadows of the night embrace,
Where spirits dance with gentle grace,
There roams a ghost, so sweet and kind,
With love that lingers, forever entwined.

Mum's presence, a beacon of light,
Guiding us through our darkest nights,
Her presence felt, a tender touch,
Bringing comfort, we so much.

In rooms where laughter fills the air,
She visits us, with love to share,
Tucking covers, with a mother's care,
Dispelling fears, with whispers rare.

Through attic doors and empty halls,
Her spirit wanders, heeding calls,
A scent of roses, a familiar sign,
A mother's love, forever divine.

In the hush of night, when all is still,
Echoes of movement, a spectral thrill,
Furniture shifted with ghostly might,
Guided by love, in the soft moonlight.

We called out, a plea sincere,
To the ghostly presence, ever near,
'Leave dad's chair where it rests tonight,
By the window's view, in the soft twilight.'

Dad, too, makes his fleeting call,
In the wee hours, in the hall,
A smile, a nod, a moment's glance,
A comforting presence, in life's dance.

And when friends, in need of care,
Find solace in her ghostly lair,
A gentle touch, a silent plea,
To soothe their hearts, to set them free.

So let us cherish, this ghostly crew,
Whose love endures, forever true,
In every creak, in every sigh,
They're with us still, beyond the sky.

Mervyn Graham (cc 2024)

I share the experiances my sister has had after our parents past away.
D.N. Rebb 27 April 2024

I don't know about you, but if I run into my departed mother's spirit while going to the bathroom and night, I sure as would scream and run. And find no pleasant joy in that experience. (LOL)

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LeeAnn Azzopardi 27 April 2024

Mervyn enjoyed the poem Bravo! ! Please read any poem of mine and comment I would like yr opinion

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