Ethical Values Supreme Poem by mamutty CHOLA

Ethical Values Supreme


As a child I was toldboth my elders and teachers, honesty is the best policy.
But the rich and well off they followthis policy more in breach than in compliance without exception world over! !
World says equality is the birth right of every individual buteven nature does not believe in equality.we are born free but not equal.Equal opportunity yes, not equality since no two persons are equal even if born to same parents.

Those who fight for equality are frauds.Theyjust use it as cover to fool the ruled to perpetuate themselves in power.All political system's sole aim is to seize power and wield lever of power; be it democracy, dictatorship, oligarchy, communism or monarchy.

Ethic being the foundation of edifice of all human enterprises, required to be internalised and institutionalized as our core values as guarantee for ethical conducts in all walk of lives.Failure means chaos, anarchy and corruption of unprecedented scales and rules of might is right.

Ethical conducts is supreme and saviour of human society; unlike legal compliance. Ethical conduct is self -inspired whereas legal compliance is externally imposed! !

Ethical conducts facilitatelegal compliance being core human values.

The genesis of current degradationin values in all walks of lives in
societies lie in the decaying ethical values in vogue, as reflected in never before bank scams, all time high NPA cases, crime against woman and children and radicalisation of society for votes politics.

Solution lies in inculcation of ethical values beginning with home,
educational institutions and work places otherwise the demon of corruptionwill continue to rule.

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