Tara Chettur Poems

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**** I Want *****

I want to be in the wronged side
I want to be erroneous always
I want to break the rules…
I want to make my own way

Chanda Mama (The Moon)

Life in the moon
Is there or not?
People living there is
Black or white?

A Little Bird's Message

Iam a little bird, I can offer you happiness,
There are no classes you need to attend,
You don’t have to go to park and laugh out loud,
You don’t have to sit for years of medidation,

As My Pen Moves

As my pen moves, as the wind blows
As the clouds pass, as the sun glows
I want to be heard!
I want to be one of them...

Take It Easy! ! ! !

Love and lust,
What you’ll vote?
I vote for love,
Lust I got.

Don'T Be Nervous!

Don’t be nervous when things don’t go
In right direction
Don’t think too much for its correction
In due course of time and space

...Just Like That

You came to my life
To live me alone
My loneliness and my longing
Is that you enjoy


My house, is burning under fire?
I’m gathering proof!
To accuse my neighbor
I scuffle I ruffle I shuffle the things!


What is boredom?
Seldom have I thought over it nowadays…
Earlier it was in my routine
To get bored….

Parallels Do Meet

Where fantasy meets reality,
parallels do meet,
the plethora of mind
conquering defeat,

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