Father Poem by Arunesh Dixit


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Haven't understood you until I became you!

But now I feel that your commitment and
Unrelenting hard efforts to live with head high
And ensuring good values in family was just right!

Your care and protection was an
Obsession to cocoon us in best of rests,
Made you forgetful to care of yourself!

Your love and compassion was just
Indefinable, glow in shy eyes oozes coolness that
Felt as cool of Neem tree shade in a summer noon!

Your blessings and teachings always like
Dew stuck on lotus leaf in spring, pure and serene,
Which can be the best scene in anybody's dream?

Your worrying and believing on my
Unwary behaviors gave wrinkles to your shine,
Yet undying belief converted them in enigmatic smiles!

Your humbleness and prayers were benign
Like mango tree who offers sweetness despite a deadly hit,
Always kept me in your prayers even though I was a no fit!

Your stature and carrying yourself with a
Resolute like Himalaya and appearance like summits,
You are a gift of God from the penance of my many births!

Your touch and feel as delicate
As petals of rose and crocus feared of defoliation,
At gentle tints of wind over a wild channel like me!

Your finger and the hold had made me assured,
Which was stronger than any strongest support?
That I could use to hold when started to stroll!

Your push and my moving not for the fall,
Instead a thrust to life on a new frame was just
Incomparable to any pushes that are given to reign!

Your sternness and firmness against
Every ugly demand, you rejected like useless nails,
Taught me a lesson - never surrender before any fails!

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