February Poem by Vinaya Joseph


February, a month of fleeting days,
Where winter's grasp begins to fray.
With each passing hour, the promise grows,
Of warmer winds and melting snows.

In February's breath, a whisper of spring,
A gentle reminder of what the future may bring.
Though frost still clings to every bough,
Hope blossoms beneath the cold's stern vow.

With Valentine's Day's tender embrace,
February fills hearts with love's sweet grace.
A time for affection, for bonds to renew,
In the warmth of love, dreams come true.

As days grow longer, and nights less chill,
February dances on winter's sill.
A bridge between what was and what will be,
A month of transition, wild and free.

So let us cherish February's fleeting light,
And embrace each moment, day or night.
For in its passing, we find the key,
To unlock the door to eternity.

Vinaya Joseph

Vinaya Joseph

Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh
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