Field Trip Poem by Bill Upton

Field Trip

'We need to make it a level playing field',
It's said in politics, in sports, in school,
In life.
Usually it is uttered by those on the side of the field
That may not seem level.
But, should there be such a playing field?
Should each situation afford the same opportunities
For everyone
Regardless of ability, or intellect, or experience?
Obviously, it should,
But, is ability an unfair advantage
Or is it a result of work ethic?
Is intelligence an unfair advantage
Or is it a result of disciplined learning habits?

People that can do things better than other people
SHOULD be rewarded
Whether it is in business, sports, or in life itself.
The playing field is NOT level,
Nor will it ever be.
Being superior in an endeavor trumps being mediocre-
It's not about arrogance or having a 'holier than thou' attitude.
There simply are no real trophies for runners up.
No one in the real world hands out blue ribbons for participation.
As harsh as that may seem, that's real life.
The only way to make it a level playing field is for YOU,
Not THEM, to up the ante.
It is your job, alone, to make your game strong enough
To right what you mistakenly thought to be unfair.

Saturday, December 12, 2015
Topic(s) of this poem: life
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