First Sight Poem by kente lucy

First Sight

At first sight I was struck by your handsome face
Well-built body, and by your demeanor
We didn't talk much, I watched you munch away
Your delicious chicken and slowly sip your drink.

I knew that would pass, because I didn't expect much
To go on between us as you didn't show the interest.
As you escorted me, you protectively held my hand
Little did you know that your touch spread chills all over me
I didn't tell you because I didn't want you to know
I still wanted you to hold my hand.
The hug was so short but sweet, wished it had gone on
Because your chest dude… is uuhhhm nothing I can compare with.

I so like reading your emails, they fill my heart with pleasure
I call sometimes to just hear your voice,
I ran short of words to keep on the conversation,
being that you are reserved too, the call has
to be a short one but in me, am stirred up.
And now this promise to take me places is so welcome
I can't wait to be in your company, Am sure it's going to be More free this time and more intimate lol.
Hmmm let me wait and see how it goes.

Am one of them that never believe in love at first sight
But as it looks, I may be caught off guard
And end up as a victim, if it is with you, then that's ok.

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