First Time Poem by Soumi Mukhopadhyay

First Time

It was raining all day….
Thunders was rumbling…
Sky was dark..
Full of scary images all around the black sky…
It was occasion of the wealthy goddesses honor…
It was the beginning of the new journey…
It was the day of smiles..
It was the day …
For the first time I heard her cry…

Her cry made me smile..
When I saw her in the rage of cotton…
I felt something inside me has changed…
I was dying to held her in my hand..
She was just sweet cotton ball..
With small marble eyes.. with red small lip..
With her small hand she held my hand..
For the first time I saw her..

Days passed..
My angel grew..
She started walking with her own..
Like a warrior on a mission of its own..
She spoke in her cute voice…
She looked at me making puppy face..
She was driving me crazy..
For the First time she uttered the word 'Sister'…
She smiled an innocent smile with her broken teeth..

For all the first time she has gifted me…
I remember them all time …
My angel is now a lady…
For all the first time I sensed divine love …
The love at first sight it is called..
I wonder..

Tuesday, August 2, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: love and life
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