Floor And Ceiling Poem by Richard Wlodarski

Floor And Ceiling

Rating: 5.0

Floor said to ceiling:
I wish I were as high as you
Ceiling responded:
You're within my reach take hold
Floor thought about it for a moment: I'm scared
Ceiling reflected on many such moments: I'm scared too

Tuesday, July 26, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: fear
Sarah Mkhonza 31 December 2016

I love the way you say a lot with a few words in this poem. I would like to see the two Meeting each other half way. Then I realized that for them there is no half way. You are either this and not that and it is OK. I am not sure if I understand the fear in being ourselves the way it is played out so wisely in this poem. I thought at one point it is talking to the fact that we always have to act and be what we want to be fear or no fear. I find wanting to be the other also coming out of fear and the difficulty we have in staying inside our own skin and being happy. Thanks for the thoughts this poem brings to mind. I felt like I could never really explain it well without hearing many voices responding to it. It is a great write up.

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Richard Wlodarski 05 January 2017

Thank you so much, Sarah for taking the time to read this poem, and for your insights. It's one of my favourites, and I'm really happy that someone finally read it. The poem is about not being afraid to take risks. And it's a reminder that even the ones on the very top (ceiling) were once afraid, and to a large extent, they're still afraid.

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