For You Sweetie Poem by Patrick Shields

For You Sweetie

Rating: 4.5

The night your father left your life broke your heart
Leaving you to grow up quickly and fight your battles alone
You became aware that life sucked at least for your part
All you wanted was your daddy to come back home

But he never did and you sadly lost faith in him
Every time the phone rang you hoped it would be your dad
But it never was as the depression started to deeply sink in
You fought it with all your might but you where just too sad

So you turned to self-mutilation to help with the pain
Making the razorblade and knife your best friends
Pain would surely return as you began to be called insane
So you'd try to cut out this damn pain once again

Then you looked for love that you never knew
Dating guys who made your depression worse than before
They all promised you things they couldn't give to you
You wanted to stop cutting your arms covered in sores

Than you met me over the internet and confided in me
You said that you where lucky to have me as a friend
I disagreed with you at first but you made me agree
I promised you that I would stand by your stand until they end

So now we are both battling depression and suicide
Encouraging one another to stay alive and keep safe
Never allowing insults to get to us and stay on the same side
Remembering life is hard and keeping our hearts free from hate

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