Forever And Always Poem by Isa .

Forever And Always

I may not be able to show it,
As sometimes these things blur.
I try and tell you but you're too busy.
I can't tell if its the truth or just a stir.

Your light rosy lips can draw attention from across a room.
I see you're into someone else,
I'm sure she's a drool,
I'm probably not even half as cool.
I could try if you want me to.

Time is on our side,
For it feels slower with when I'm with you.
I'm sure you feel that way with her too.

I'm not good at showing my feelings, it's something I lack.
Poetry is my work.
But who's to tell us,
We can't just combine them for one day?

So here it is,
Plain and kind of simple.

I love you.
Not in the friend kind of way.
In the way I want to watch funny movies and hold you for hours.
In the way we listen to your trashy music.
I love you in the way of my language.
I want to slow dance to songs that aren't meant to be slow danced to.
I want to love you like I do my animals, even when they're jerks at times.
I want to love you like there's no tomorrow.
I want you to know that I love you,
No matter the object in the sky.
So one last time,
Plain and simple.
I love you in the language that is all of me.
I want to spend the rest of my life, loving you.
But instead,
I'll spend forever just waiting.
Waiting for you to love me to.

M McParland 14 August 2024

Unrequited love/interest is always very painful and it's hard to know how to react. A very good poem.

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