Formula Poem by Husna Chikwela


Strong exercise of your brain take,
The stronger money you can make,
Weak exercise cause money to shake.

Proper physical exercise increase your health,
Proper mental exercise increase your wealth,
Laziness decrease both health and wealth.

True learning fear usualy dissapear,
Passion and burning desire appear,
Low learning cause of fear.

What it feels working for money?
Multiply your last month by fifty,
You will get what you occupy.

Most of people have price,
Because of human emotion increase twice,
Are fear and greed can advice.

Emotion stands for energy in motion,
Be truthful for your own emotion,
In favour use mind and emotion.

Observe and not react your emotion,
Because your emotion are your emotion,
You have to learn your emotion.

Avoid trap of desire and fear,
School uneducate handle money and fear,
I can't make it clear.

Ignorance intensified desire and fear,
Brial patch is greed and fear,
Thats why rich have more fear.

Life is between ignorance and illumination,
It needs more searching of information,
You should contribute to be profession.

Solving problems by choosing your thoughtnes,
They play part of your weakness,
You will have alot of needness.

If you can comprehend the simplicity,
Your life will be financially easy,
It simple that why idea are busy.

Adult don't understand asset and liability,
That cause them to be silly,
To be rich become very difficulty.

Most adult escaped idea of simplicity,
Because they have been educated differently,
They don't use Asset but Liability.

Wealth focus on the word literacy,
And not the financial literacy,
To be confused read in dictionary.

Train accountancy but in average person,
As well be written in mandarin,
Word in definition but difficult comprehension.

Money makes obvious tragic human flaw,
Spotlight on what they don't know,
Money only accentuates the cash-flow.

Run into couple all the time,
They change their name all time,
Their financial dilemma is the same.

The battle is waged whenever,
Laws are made in wherever,
Battle will go on forever.

Uniform usualy get up everyday,
Working and loosing taxes pay,
Rich play game in that way.

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