Forsake The Darkness Poem by Richard (Narad) Eggenberger

Forsake The Darkness

Forsake the Darkness

How fortunate are we having found
The secret of the mystery of life,
Not far in some Elysium's sacred ground
But on this earth amongst the pain and strife.

The failures and successes we have known
The death of the beloved, the wounds we share
Through which the silent soul in us has grown
To heights by slow degrees become aware

That earth is destined as the promised home
Of a Presence Divine who seems to us apart
From the violence of man who would Him shun
And yet we all are sculpted by His art.

Can we begin the journey into Light
Forsake the darkness and deny the night.
Title: Forsake the Darkness

'Forsake the Darkness' is a deeply introspective poem that grapples with the complexities and nuances of human existence. The poet masterfully employs vivid imagery and poignant language to convey the idea that the key to understanding life's mysteries lies not in a far-off utopia, but right here on Earth, amidst our struggles and triumphs.

The poem begins by expressing a sense of gratitude and wonder for having discovered life's secret, which is not located in an idealized paradise but rather within the turmoil of everyday life. This notion of finding meaning within the chaos is powerfully evocative, challenging the reader to look within their own experiences for answers.

The second stanza delves into the shared human experiences of failure, loss, and pain. The poet suggests that these very wounds contribute to the growth and development of the soul, gradually revealing profound awareness. This idea is both poignant and comforting, as it implies that even in the darkest moments, there is purpose and meaning to be found.

In the third stanza, the poem introduces the concept of a Divine Presence, one that shapes and molds humanity in spite of the violence and darkness that often permeate our world. This subtle interplay between the human and the divine underscores the inherent duality of our existence and raises questions about the nature of divinity.

The final couplet serves as a powerful call to action, urging the reader to embark on a journey towards enlightenment by forsaking darkness and denying the night. This challenge to embrace the light serves as an uplifting and hopeful conclusion to an otherwise introspective and contemplative piece.

Overall, 'Forsake the Darkness' is a thought-provoking and eloquent work that successfully explores the human condition through rich imagery and a keen understanding of life's complexities. The poem is sure to resonate with readers who are searching for meaning and purpose amidst the turbulence of their own lives.


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