Four From Six Poem by Michael P. Johnson

Four From Six

For fellowship they’d planned to meet
A meal they’d come to share
But just before they came to eat
One spoke to God in prayer

Immediately the six could tell
That two weren’t blessed with grace
Just four were saved from death and hell
Just four would see God’s face

Of God and life two failed to know
Just four were born anew
How could they tell the others though?
That Jesus loves them too!

How could the two now Christ believe?
How could they come to live?
Could they eternal life receive
From what the four could give?

Still they sat at ease a while
Eating of this and that
A little nod a little smile
The fruit of idle chat

How were the two to understand?
What had the four to say?
Would Heaven somehow lend a hand?
Would Jesus show The Way?

The four could see the other’s need
They’d heard their tales of strife
And so in love they planted Seed
They hoped would lead to life

The hours passed the day was done
How would the future be?
Had the battle been truly won?
One day by grace we’ll see

Michael P. Johnson

Michael P. Johnson

New Silksworth / Sunderland Co/Durham England
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