Free Afghanistan Poem by Lalithashree Ganesh

Free Afghanistan

'I do not know what it feels like
To be held hostage in my homeland

I do not know what it feels like
To be ripped apart from my family

I do not know what it feels like
To live in fear every moment

I do not know what it feels like
To be clothed head to toe. Invisible.

I do not know what it feels like
To have a gun pointed at me

I do not know what it feels like
To not be allowed to study

I do not know what it feels like
To be afraid to step out of my home

I do not know what it feels like
To have nowhere to run to

I do not know what it feels like
To safeguard my loved ones from terrorism

I do not know what it feels like
To bow down to the enemy

I do not know what it feels like
To not speak my truth

I do not know what it feels like
To silence my thoughts, my voice

I do not know what it feels like
To be locked in with a key that doesn't open

I do not know what it feels like
To look away from injustice

I do not know what it feels like
To not paint, write, sing or dance at my will

I do not know what it feels like
To be homeless

I do not know what it feels like
To have no one to turn to

I do not know what it feels like
For you'

If that's why you turn away
From Afghanistan,
From oppressed parts of the world
Soaked in suffering
Immersed in pain
Plagued by injustice
Silenced by weapons...

Removed from your reality,
Far from your truth...

Find your heart.
Find your soul.
Find your voice.
Find your conscience.

And then speak up.
For everyone
whose voices
are unheard.

You don't always have to know
What it feels like....
To help humanity.

You only need
to wake up!

This poem is a reminder for the world to not look away from Afghanistan and other oppressed parts of the world. Please DON'T LOOK AWAY. SPEAK UP for the millions who cannot.
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