Free From My Pebble. Poem by Kim Dang

Free From My Pebble.

The Lindin fable
My eyes, I'm able to dismiss your cruelties.
My heart, sewn back from one shattered piece
My world, my soul, will remain indifferent to your curiosities.
Because you abused your privilege
You've gone on to even max out your time at the peep hole
I'm not blinking as I slam shut this door, however feeble.

What music played to deafen my audible pleas
When my hands were near my knees, both dirty
Both at your mercy, because your words were just only
beginning to hurt me.
What parade have I rained on, sorry I've made it so salty.
So I'll walk away to abandon my scrapes because
this time, the last, my humility has failed me.

And you'll damn my outcry with your mad eyes
Incredulous, how can you possibly underestimate me?
My strengths - do you pray that I'll stray too?
So at the first glance back I'll succumb
I would have embraced you?
But thank god, I'm overwhelmingly not that same fool.

I'll stay entitled to my deserved liberty
No regrets on losing bets with life - it's all temporary.
I've risked my dignity carved on a silver platter
To be good to me, or cruel, you choose the latter
Now a piece of mind is all that I'm really after, all this.
Maybe bring back a smile, some genuine laughters
But these commencements will resume with time - due
With-out you.

A stumbling block, a glitch to the hands of my ticking clock
A moment's hesitation, remembering the combination to a safe lock
Euphoric, forgettable little failures, forgettably tragic
I'll continue strong, my havoc, my special.
I'll keep moving on, shoes cleansed this time, my pebble.

Kim Dang

Kim Dang

United States
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