Freedom Poem by Urmila Reghunath


Rating: 4.8

Free! Free! Free!
We talk about being free
But just what do we mean,
By saying we are free?

For babies, being free
Means freedom from hunger
From wanting to be free
They mean, free from mom’s anger!

For schoolboys, being free
Means to burn tonnes of homework!
From exams they all flee
For they don’t mean to hard work.

For teens(like me) , being free
Means no more nagging and scolding
With friends we are at glee
‘cause at home we feel it’s boring!

After college, being free
Means freedom from long waitings.
But bosses ignore their pleas-
To improve their rate and rankings.

For parents, being free
Means a break from routines and job.
With a large cup of tea,
And a heart that doesn’t throb.

For grand-par’s, being free
Means a day of prayer and ease..
For, having naps under a tree
Is not their idea of peace.

Free! In the sage’s way
Is an escape from worldly things..
Free! As the sages say
Is the eternal peace of your soul…….


various phases of freedom well said....after a certain age we need a freedom from tese phases even

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Reghunath Pillai 10 September 2007

Really felt wonderful to read your poem sitting so far away....We all try to find our own freedom and happiness through out life. Seldom people are able to decide and do what really makes them free and happy.Freedom does not mean being away from shackles or bondage alone, it is a state of mind where you declare your freedom and refuses to surrender even to the greatest force on earth................. As Hemingway's character says ' You can kill me, but can't conquer me'. Have a Great Day..

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Dr.subhendu Kar 10 September 2007

As we know - man is born free but every wehere in chain.- so long we live, no where we are free. that is the life in the plexus of our living across out time, -..beautiful expression.......go on slow and steady without being free, thanks for sharing

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