Freedom Of Dreams Poem by Shiloh Thompson

Freedom Of Dreams

In my mind, there is no limit to what I can be…

I am a stallion on the plains, grass as far as I can see; my only companions the lonely wind and whistling grasses my only companions. No one owns me, no one knows me. Always wild and free, never to be tamed, running wild till the end of my days. The sun is setting behind the craggy peaks of the Rocky Mountains. My herd grazes in the valley beyond, safe from all dangers and other stallions. I run through them, longing to be together with my mares.

I run, I fly, I prance across the endless stretch of hills, dips and streams, searching, ever searching for the boundaries I believe to be there. My herd follows, devoted mares and spindly-legged foals running behind me, bold now that I am here. Others may challenge me, but never will they take my herd. We are a family, and that we will stay.
My domain is never ending in the sea of my dreams…

I am a dolphin dancing among the waves, playing in the coral beds with colorful fish and gentle eels. When I leap, I see tall palm trees swaying in the gentle waves of air the birds swim in. The bottom is clean, white sand sparkling like glitter in the light of the noon sun. I hear clicks and gurgles under the waves, but above I hear the wind and breaking of waves on the sandy beaches.

I leap, I splash, I swim along in the warm green-blue waters. A shark swims by, but is no threat; he is not hungry this warm Caribbean day.
No fear on this day, only the wondrous feeling of being free to dance as I please. I am living grace under the seas.
Nothing ends my graceful movements in the heavens of my mind…

I am the reckless and uncaring eagle, king of the skies. Master of all birds in the air and on the ground. Nothing is safe from my talons, sharp and ready to bring down my prey.

I swoop, I soar, I scream my love of the heavens to the earth, feeling the ever-changing currents of air under my wings. I alight on a twisted tree, gnarled and burnt by my love, the wind. I observe the fat salmon facing upstream in the shallow, clear water that runs from the glaciers. The pines and mountains carve jagged, yet majestic patterns in my sky. Spreading my wings, I dive on the fish who are oblivious to my presence. I miss, but it is no loss. There are more fish in the stream.
I run away in the forest of my thoughts…

I am a wolf, a pack hunter, strong and silent. I am the gray spirit that protects, strengthens, and yet strikes fear in the hearts of men. I am fleet with the pack, never lonely in a family that watches me as I watch them.

I hunt, I sing, I tiptoe through the hock-deep snow that struggles though the tall canopy of trees above us. The pack sits, stands and lays in the darkness as light snowflakes drift down on us. Our breath is puffs of steam that seem to freeze in the cold temperatures. We sit and wait for the right moment. Suddenly, the moon rises, bathing our clearing in an eerie light. We stand erect, we sing.
I sing with them in the endless tundra of my dreams…

We are all free in our imaginations. No one can tell us we cannot run, dance, scream, sing and dive…
You are your own self. Only you can limit or expand your imagination, so be free to dream.

Be free to live.

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