From Death To Rebirth Poem by Aram Stefanian

From Death To Rebirth

Rating: 5.0

You're standing outside of your body, blithe and painless,
Wondering if you just died, and where you gonna make for.
Diving into a deep tunnel, you're unafraid of darkness.
In the end you meet the whitest Light you've never seen before.
Translucent and live, it's impatient to receive you readily,
Yet you move away from it, with phobic intent to get back to earth.
Disoriented as to time and place, you float in space steadily,
Realizing that you don't have a ghost of a chance for rebirth.
You regret having missed your home, it's no longer in sight,
And move back to the Light, bumping against an invisible wall.
A nameless stern angel materializes before you out of the dark night,
Saying, ''I'll choose for you between heaven and blazes once and for all.''

Linda Ori 04 March 2007

Ah, so that's how it is on the other side? (Or, as in this case, in limbo) . I've often wonder what people recall after a NDE, and there are a few who will give you some insight. From what I hear, the best part is the feeling of total peace and joy. The worst part is that they never quite fit back into their lives afterward. There is always something missing that they can't find here. It's frustrating for them and for their loved ones. Thought-provoking read for this Sunday morning....thanks! Linda

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Aram Stefanian

Aram Stefanian

Yerevan, Armenia
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