From 'Delilah Supreme Creator Iv' Poem by Morgan Michaels

From 'Delilah Supreme Creator Iv'

He followed her into the office and they took seats on opposite sides of the desk.She wanted the results of recent blood work, he read, from the MA's difficult handwriting. These Donnie soon began to relate, starting with the hemogram, carefully parceling the info into understandable bits.

'It was nice being agreeable and helpful', he thought, 'even if the patient wore rabbit ears. She wasn't anemic' he said, 'and everything else looked normal'.

He emphasized the word 'normal'. She appeared satisfied and he turned his attention to the cholesterol. But, it was impossible to keep his gaze from her.

'Why is leopard skin so popular', he wondered, ignoring her knee boots but studying their furry trim. Crouched in a sunny thicket, she might become invisible. The heavy folds of her coat were tiger-striped. Suddenly, he understood the value of camouflage, in the evolutionary scheme of things.

'Your good cholesterol is a whopping 39% of your total', he calculated, emphasizing the term 'whopping'.

'Is that good', she asked, in a strangely vulnerable voice that seemed to admit her ignorance.

'Very. You'll probably live to be a hundred'.


After a minute, it seemed rude to keep his eyes averted. Donnie dreaded rudeness in any form. With studied blasee, he met her weird gaze. Her colorful smile widened. She watched for her effect, carefully.

'Well, she's....'

Friday, April 3, 2015
Topic(s) of this poem: love
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