Generational Illusions Poem by DANIEL ESSIEN

Generational Illusions


What age is this?
Generation of wise fools...
Which generation is this?
The age of knowledgeable ignoramus...
What is this age and generation?
This is not longer little wonder...
Why is this generation perverse?
Why is this age a paradox?

So many books for knowledge
But many are dying for ignorance
So many doctors
Yet diseases kill more human
So many teachers
But learning is less effective
More money in circulation
Yet poverty is on the increase
More nutritionists
But many are dying of malnutrition
More psychologist
More madness.
More human rights knowledge
But less value on human lives
More religious centres
But sin is on the increase
Increased moral agents
Decreased moral values
Increased security agents
But we are less secured
More law enforcement agencies
But less law abiding citizens
More books on success
But failure is more rampart
More sermon on relationship and marriage
But more heart breaks and divorce.
More communication
But less understanding
More information
But less informed

Oh! ! !
What a generation?
A generation where the leaders lead themselves
And the followers are abandoned
A generation where security agents
Are not secured themselves
Where law makers
Don't abide by the law they make
A generation of cruel politics
A generation where citizens are killed
And the government is mute
A generation where there is freedom of speech
But dare not speak
Where there is freedom of movement but can't move
A generation where there is freedom of expression
But must swallow your concerns and opinions
A generation where public funds
Is used by private pawn
A generation where religiosity and tribalism
Out shine nationality and citizenry

Oh...what a age and generation?
Where men don't longer have feelings
For women but for a fellow man
Where women now enjoy their fellow women
Where sex organs are not longer satisfactory
To human except through the absurdities

Lord do something....
Should the earth continue
None may make heaven
And all will miss paradise

Reflect and think
Let these words sink
If your heart did not blink
It means you're not prick.

Wednesday, December 7, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: illusion


Nkari, Ini LGA Akwa ibom state
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