God Are You There? Poem by Jennifer Panner

God Are You There?

God i have so many questions to ask you
sometime i have to think if you even care
I believe but sometimes it just so hard
I want to know and i want to understand, but sometime its hard
Im not really sure even where to begin
There is so many that will follow you and have the faith
Do they ever fade away
Is all the life that i live a test
When if you loose and cant make it until the end
Do we get punished for not following you?
Left here to burn
really does any soul desurve that pain
dont we knock our self and destroy our selfs enought
We need someone to stand by us and love us no matter what
That what i thought you were for
I am a believer and i have put all my faith forward
But there are just something that i think i will never understand
I fel like we are in a maze that never ends
I know that after this life it will be forever
and then we dont feel the pain
But the ones that do follow you why cant you stop the hurt and wonder
Thats what leads people astray
I dont like have in to look my little neice in the face and say i dont understand and that i have no answer cus there is not one
I want to feel comeplete
God i know that you are present at this moment i can feel your pressence.
But will that begin to fade
I follow the path but it doesnt seem to be enought
Show me the way so i wont lead astray
I need you in my lif egod i need to feel conplete
And with you and my heart and soul is the only way
Can you show me the way to stand tall and not fall
I wonder i will for ever wonder
the possabilitys are there and the rumers cant be true
your there your here right forever until you come again
Please i need you and i know that others do too.
My teacher tought me so much in just one day
And it makes me know that you have touched so may lives
I can told my head high and smile cus i know that i am a child that belong to you
Thank you god for all that you have done...! ! !

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