Golden Glow Poem by PRAVEEN KUMAR English

Golden Glow

I wonder at Almighty's unbound skill,
Perfection of work, His seamless will,
When I see you as His creation's model.

An invisible charm beyond eyes' field,
Hallowed radiance in kaleidoscopic grid,
In ceaseless stream, invisd, you spread.

You're true pleasure, soul's valued treasure,
You enthrall soul beyond earthly measure,
In sheer poetry that flows in leisure.

You're pure harmony, silent flow of music,
In curves and shapes of bodily fabric,
In colour, in tone, moves, in ethereal magic.

Beauty outward, you're perfect inside;
Over those worlds, live bridges you build,
And devolve true beauty all over the world.

At times I do marvel at the ironies of God,
Who created you in lofty beauty, rectitude,
How he deigned to give ugly messy world?

You're soul-stirring live golden glow,
Down from the Heaven, on Earth you flow
To lift our spirit, while soul, tired and low.

If harmony and beauty, the nature of God,
You're sheer God, deigned in human hood;
Heavenly music you're, live rhythm of God.

Beauty you bring is life-giving and soothing,
Like fresh water streams, alive and breathing,
And spills, and spells soul in unearthly musing.

Honest and sincere, in simple backdrop,
You raise for world trust's fertile crop,
And make life a pleasant confidence to drape.

Gajanan Mishra 13 July 2013

beauty onward, thanks, I invite you to read my poems and comment.

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