Good Relationships And Bad Ones Poem by Kristina Rose32

Good Relationships And Bad Ones

Being married to my true love,
what I grew up with in my
childhood my mom had
bad relationships and
I thought I might get
bad ones, But my aunt
she had a good married,

I ask God all the time why
did my mom get the bad
ones? I know we shouldn't
ask God things like that
but I wanted someone
to treat my mom good
so she can have a good
love life,

When I got 16 years old
I made two wishes one
my mom meet right one
who treat her right and
for me when I get to
age that God wants me
to meet right one let
him be ones life my aunt
has in her married good
ones but I wanted it
for me and my mom not
just for me, ,

When I got 19 years old
I meet someone but I
wasn't sure at first if
he was good one or
the bad one so we
was together for 7
years and 2010
when we got married
I knew that God give
me the right one that
I made wish for,

My mom died in 2014 month
before our son was born, She
didn't get find the right one
but I know it isn't because
of God why she didn't find
the one who treat her right
it because what happen
to her in her childhood
and she couldn't tell
anymore after that and
bad ones who beat her
and cheated on her
find the right one,

But even know my mom gone
I do missed her ever day, I
wish she got to feel love but
my mom did feel love from
her kids and that is what matters,

Anyways me and my husband
been together for 20 years this
year, I'm so thankful to God
that I got fine my true love the
prayer I made when was 16 years
old and I got to have like my aunt
had, Even know stuff me and my
husband went threw not anything
with us but like people trying to
break us up because they are
jealous of what we have other
other things I can see they
true love that can over come
everything has long they believe
in God and trust one another that
what I see makes true love....

I am not saying everyone hasn't found this yet and for people who hasn't I
pray to God to find that love that he wants you to have but remember
if you don't and you have kids you already found love and it with your kids
or love from God he loves you and he will always help threw everything.If
I didn't have meet my husband when i was 19 years old, I know I would have
been lonely I know God loves me and what matters but I am glad he did not
only I got my husband out of it i got to be a mother has well and child of God
and I know I lost my mom and other loves ones and I missed them every day
but I know I will see them again some day...

Written By Kristina
date March 4 2022
time 2: 16pm

Friday, March 4, 2022
Topic(s) of this poem: god,jesus,truelove,motherhood,marriage,christian
Have faith in God and your married and your life, Don't give up
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