Grieve Poem by Dr Shamim Ali


As grief sets in, we feel so lost,
Numbed by pain, and feeling so tossed,
The world around us, seems to be in a blur,
And our emotions, seem hard to endure.

Denial may be the first stage we face,
As we try to run, from our heart's disgrace,
Refusing to believe, that the loss is real,
Struggling to accept, what we truly feel.

Anger may follow, a fire that we cannot contain,
Blaming ourselves, or others, for the pain,
Feeling frustrated and lost, in a world of strife,
Questioning why, we must face this in life.

Bargaining may come, as we search for hope,
Trying to make a deal, so we can cope,
Praying and begging, to a higher power,
Hoping to reverse the loss, in this darkest hour.

Depression often comes, as we face the truth,
Feeling sadness, and emptiness, oh so acute,
We may lose interest, in the things we love,
Feeling fatigued, and lost, in emotions we cannot shove.

But acceptance is the journey, that we must take,
To move forward, and to finally wake,
To the truth of what is, and what's to come,
To start planning, for a future, yet undefined and still forlorn.

Grief is not just a journey, but a path to healing,
To face our emotions, and the pain we've been feeling,
To come to terms, with the loss and the strife,
And to find solace, in the hope of a new life

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