Harmony Poem by PRAVEEN KUMAR English


All universe is a symphony
Of overwhelming harmony,
All universe, magical euphony
Of discords and cacophony.

Universe, an evolving creation
Of parts to harmonious whole,
Universe is elegant evolution
To harmony as its single goal.

Harmony is love, it's beauty,
Harmony, nature's profundity;
Harmony is peace, it's grace,
Harmony is truth at right place.

An orchestra of unrelated parts,
Harmony is love and true beauty;
Harmony drags on rails all parts
For onward move to divine duty.

Harmony is attunement of souls,
Harmony is synchronised goals;
Harmony, accomplishment itself,
Harmony is fulfilment of self.

Lullaby to soul, lightness at heart,
Harmony blunts disturbances within,
Holds all pulls of strife and fight
In single string of care and concern.

Hamony is rhythm, harmony is rhyme,
Harmony is back to universal truth;
Harmony is blend of essence in time,
Harmony is true god in its right depth.

No mismatch there, no fear or care,
All, easy march in synchronised flow;
No doubts, discord; no constraint ever,
Harmony is the nature's innate law.

Harmony is the divine give and take
Towards sacred goal of good of all;
Harmony is love, it's beauty awake,
Their sole soul that stands it that tall.

No love or beauty, no truth or world
Without the harmony to fill their gap;
Love is love; beauty, to beauty tied
And world is truth in harmony's lap.

Harmony is at heart of the evolution,
Harmony is the holy spirit of creation;
Harmony is solvent that dissolves all
To roll the creation to cherished goal.

The cosmic focus that brings all close,
Harmony is force that binds into one;
Time and space in the universal maze
Bow to the biddance that harmony rein.

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