Haunting Me Poem by ESPN CHICK

Haunting Me

Why am I holding it inside
Cause I know I jinxed the death of a loved one
Knowing that I predicted it a month before
I should have known to be aware

I wish it had never happened
So I wouldn't be here crying my eyes out
Even though it happened 2 years ago
It still haunts me like a ghost

Making me feel helpless
Crawling on the floor with tears everywhere
Trying hard to forget all about it
Why did I have to say those words

If I only knew what it would have lead to
But I didn't and it did happen
I try to make myself believe that it wasn't me
That I didn't jinx anything

I try to look at it in a good way
But face it there is no good way
To look at it
Past is haunting me like it never has before

Digging into my skin
Into my mind brainwashing me
Making me believe that it was my fault
But looking at it now and knowing that it was my fault

December 28,2007

*Trusting You* 15 March 2009

I feel like it was my fault that my real dad died all the time. but I know its not. I know it was just old age. so just take time a lot of time... it will get better. it took me about 5 years to get over my dad. it still hurts it will always hurt but it gets better. Becca

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