Hearts Of Men Poem by Mwenyeji Spikes

Hearts Of Men

The hearts of men are filled with emptiness to the brim
Men will do everything to fill up the void in their heart
The treacherous schemes inside and untold desires remain
The hearts of men stand unchanged even in turbulence

What is there to stir the hearts of men but fear of judgement?
The blame rests entirely on the reproach of other men and women
The nature of men's hearts who can clearly understand
The guilt from the deeds and wrongs done is harbored within

What good will come from the hearts of men?
Pride, self-adoration and spite of others is the natural default
Seldom and very seldom are the hearts of men moved by passion
With selfish endeavors, hearts of men stand guided to act

What innocence, humility and compassion is there left in the hearts of men?
Was nature flawed in the design of the human form and the hearts inside?
Maybe it's the learning to be more than mere mortal that lacks with all humans
The determined choice to try and be more than just what others expects us to be

What is that special treasure hidden inside your heart?
Is there any ounce of beauty still left inside your heart?
All Men and women will face judgement from the creator of all
Your heart and deeds will stand the test of what nature and kind your heart is.

Thursday, July 20, 2023
Topic(s) of this poem: men ,life,reflections,human condition
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