Height And Creation Poem by Pleasant Dabbs

Height And Creation

A giraffe in the wild has a long neck
A skyscraper? That name implies
That it is the tallest, it scrapes the skies
To ascend it you'd make a longer trek

An airplane soars extremely high
With destinations far and near
And when the craft is ably steered
It gives you an ideal view birds-eye

Is there a plant or something live
Of height, of girth, of such dimension
And size sufficient for me to mention
That will compare, that grows outside?

Yes, there is one that we have missed
In western woodlands they're known to appear
Majestic and tall, they've lived for years
Be sure this one is on your list

Its needles green and its bark is brown
It's found in redwood timber troves
And stands alone in nature's groves
In westward land they're mostly found

Next thing I'll bring to your attention
Is of its birth, and of its age
No one knows, not even a sage... can guess
The precise year of its inception

Three thousand years we could speak of,
If examined by the rings within.
That's before Holy Writ begins
So why not ask its Creator above

That is an option you should consider
A spatial trek to meet that Person
And if your condition does not worsen
And your feelings toward Him have not embittered

Older and taller than the redwood
For ageless time has He been around
He that created the very ground
Where we stand and the first redwood stood

From this report let's understand
The redwoods have grown for many years
The earths' most lofty, but it appears
That none stands taller than earth's Greatest Man!

Height And Creation
Wednesday, October 25, 2017
Topic(s) of this poem: nature
One of the tallest and oldest things on earth compared with the tallest and oldest thing above earth.
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