Homeless Creatures Poem by Kim Barney

Kim Barney

Kim Barney

I was born in a bank - - my mother went there and made a deposit

Homeless Creatures

Rating: 5.0

When you see a homeless man,
do you judge him? Oh, you can,
and I would bet
it's something that you do.

Is it his fault he's homeless?
It could be, and yet
There may be factors
hidden from your view.

'Home makes the man, ' so I've been told,
but please, if I may be so bold,
I'd like to propose
that it affects other creatures, too.

A horse without a barn isn't worth a darn,
and races that he'll win are very few.

A bird without a nest will find it hard to rest;
a hare without a hole is someone's rabbit stew.

And last of all, just think about this bug:
a snail without a shell is just a slug.

Homeless Creatures
Thursday, June 1, 2017
Topic(s) of this poem: homeless,homelessness,horses,judgment,life,nature,compassion,animals,bird,home
Kaysville, Utah
01 June 2017

If that little blue car is gone in the morning, then this giant slug ate it!
Smoky Hoss 30 March 2023

Homeless does not mean less-human; thanks for making us ponder, laugh and hopefully help. We all need and deserve a home... even slugs.

1 0 Reply
Kim Barney 30 March 2023

Smoky, I really appreciate the comment. Thanks.

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Mj Lemon 20 June 2017

A very serious subject delivered with humour and compassion. A great work, Kim.

6 0 Reply
Grace Jessen 15 June 2017

I like this clever poem and you make a good point! The reason I don't read more on PoemHunter than I do is because - at least on my computer - it takes so darn long to bring up a page! I get discouraged and tired of waiting.

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Kim Barney 15 June 2017

Sounds like you need a new computer! Thanks for the comment.

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Susan Williams 04 June 2017

It's too bad that too many people waste so much time and energy in being judgmental about people they do not know one thing about instead of getting out there in the world and doing a simple act of kindness- - handing out a blanket in the middle of winter.... I wish this poem could reach people who need to be reached and shake them out of their unloving mind-set- - My favorite couplet: A bird without a nest will find it hard to rest; a hare without a hole is someone's rabbit stew. 10

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Kim Barney 06 June 2017

Thanks, Susan. I appreciate your comment. What a great idea, handing our blankets in the winter!

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Spock The Vegan 02 June 2017

Fantastic poem with a moral.10 points to you.

7 0 Reply
Kim Barney 03 June 2017

Thanks, Spock. You and Wes are two of my most faithful readers. I appreciate it when you leave comments, especially kind comments like this one.

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Kim Barney

Kim Barney

I was born in a bank - - my mother went there and made a deposit
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