Hope Beyond The Sky Poem by James Wakelin

Hope Beyond The Sky

Simple men and boys are told
to be happy strong and bold
but I say
relax into the life you live
take deep long breaths
trouble the water with a happy stone
and say peace out to world and all
only fight the fight of the 'good' Lord
and bring home with your external selves
and quarrel not with wives and sons
with daughters bless
make the whole house strong and bold
and make your cheeks soft and red
and please dont scold those errant sons too hard
they might grow hard within
bringing about eternal death
live your happy lives in love with life
and make for your home a happy wife
Bring home with you your light
let everything be bright
dont quarrel with sister, friend or foe
sing songs of love let the light flow
sing songs of love let the heavens glow
bring about what lives have lost
sing songs to the Lord with heavenly host
dont quarrel and so darken the sky
be brave and strong dont lie
or do wrong
but let heaven know with song and deed
that you have often sown the seed of crops which never fail
those of the light
also not to tread on the dead
but sing songs to the Lord instead
and weak is the man who doesnt pray
so heap on heaven your gifted say
and dont delay or the night may stay.....
forever for your your bones decay

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