Hotels Poem by johannes lewinsky


they reek of possibility
these places where we meet
once and only
elide collide
one with these others we'll see
once and only

where we go to sleep
out of town and mind
and hang our everyday
selves in the cupboard

here is where we develop proboscises
that we send out from ourselves
down the corridors
up the stairwells and lifts
into the bars and round corners

Seeking out a glimmer
Of recognition that we could
if we would engage with

Von Aschenbach entranced from a distance

And we know that we won't and we don't
For all that we will that we will
We know that we'd never choose to disrupt
The calm (becalmed) serenity of our lives & existence

For all that we will that we will
and for all that our eyes will still
Grope into the distance

Here's one that smiles
Quite fatuously in fact
But smiles to reassure you
She only seeks to please
Whatever her inadequacies

She reminds me of the actress playing Dorothy
who declared each night arriving home
she had cramps from smiling so much
and assured her family ‘you needn't expect
to see a smile from me for at least a week...'

here's one that only smiles
when she's up close & knows
she's got your attention
and she's the one you know
it wouldn't take much
and she'd be there

here's one professionally cool
who knows that you know
that she knows and is happy
to play the game because
that's what she's paid for
and it's usually quite lucrative

all of these are but the fluorescence
floating on the pond that is your need
to momentarily close the gap between

all that you are when you came
and all that you would become

for let's face it if you wanted to engage you would
but all you seek is to be reminded that you could if you did
and meanwhile you're more than happy
to retire to your room with a book and forget
the hyena you almost unleashed

Sunday, October 23, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: hotel
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