How Come To Him Anyone Never Do Pray Poem by Francis Duggan

How Come To Him Anyone Never Do Pray

How come to him anyone never do pray
Of Satan has anyone good things to say
The religious zealots tell us God is great
Yet their God is their trigger for war and for hate.

Young men go to war and they fight in God's name
Yet the name of Satan is shrouded in shame
For the glory of Satan none ever have died
You're damned it would seem without God on your side.

Good people of all faiths worship their God in prayer
And though I'd like to believe there is a God out there
It seems so simplistic are you telling me
That you do believe in a thing you don't see.

'Twould seem God and Satan are just a brand name
Though one stands for goodness and one stands for shame
And one lives in Heaven and the other in Hell
And the brand name with God on it seems so easy to sell.

George W Bush is one example this man has found God
He helps out the rich and he persecutes the downtrod
Because of him thousands in Afghanistan and Iraq have died
But he is okay he has God on his side.

No Hell doesn't seem a bad place after all
I'd be all right down there my needs they are small
I would not hear of God and I would not hear of prayer
And of our so called Earthly heroes such as Bush, Howard and Blair.

How come anybody to him does not pray
Old Satan's a bad one that is what they say
And though people of him they can only speak ill
It is for God only men wage war and kill.

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