I Am A Poet Poem by Daya Nandan

I Am A Poet

Rating: 4.8

I am a poet, a creator each day,
In all that i write in my heart's gentle way,
Through the pitch darkness and blinding light,
Through days and nights these poems i write,

Essays of my heart, verbal testimonies of my soul,
Divine art that surges through my veins taking control,
It spills from my pen, from the essence of my mind and heart,
On to my poetry papers, giving life to my enticing art,

I life for poetry, my mind and soul craves to write,
I even loose myself sometimes writing through the night,
Everything i have done, heard, felt, seen and known,
Perfectly written in a poem and freely shown,

To the world of people with hopes to inspire,
To ignite within them a great magnificent fire,
To express my gratitude, ideas and thoughts,
To solve personal problems, to untangle knots,

Through the oceans waves and the sun's rays,
Through the wind's breeze and my spirit's blaze,
Through the universes rhythms and hidden rhymes,
Through the heaven's most calm and perfect times,

These waves of ideas swirling inside flow within me,
Born of my heart, mind and soul for the world to see
And this is the greatest blessing, god's humble gift,
The gift to write poems that brings smiles and gives hearts a lift.

Tuesday, September 15, 2015
Topic(s) of this poem: poet
Liza Sudina 15 September 2015

it is the best and more full description of poetry I ever read! ! ! These waves of ideas swirling inside flow within me, Born of my heart, mind and soul for the world to see And this is the greatest blessing, god's humble gift, The gift to write poems that brings smiles and gives hearts a lift.

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