I Breathe Those Dreams Poem by PRAVEEN KUMAR English

I Breathe Those Dreams

While outer eyes are shut, inner eyes do open,
While outer world shrinks, inner world does swell;
It's how my dreams override real worlds
And I do await miracles from the blue sky;
After losing her, my dear golden wonder,
And all left bereft of any value in life
In the vast desert of endless mirages,
I'm staring far heavens for traces of my love.

It is gloomy dusk, breaking now to night,
And birds are flying back to their nests;
Long shadows of dark spread over the sky,
But, like the North Star I stay in her wait;
I know that soon it would be midnight
Without a trace of light, melody or fragrance,
Where a stranger to myself I turn to be,
But I refuse to quit my eternal watch.

I know I'm out of reson or rhyme
And all I do are labour for naught;
Sometimes, inner call is more real than reasons,
And a flame in soul is beyond gain and loss;
I know not what is there beyond horizons,
Is it sheer vacuum or heaven's doors;
Does my girl wait for opportune hour
To break therefrom to reach our home?

I look round heaven to have her glimpse,
I find her in clouds in variegated shapes,
I watch sunrise for a clue of her presence,
But nothing ever worked and I feel all lost;
I search moonlights in fullmoon days,
I count all stars in newmoon nights
To trace her path to reach my hope
And trace time's mansion raised for us.

These are grand dreams beyond real worlds,
And I know I do live in oceans of illusions;
Dreams sustain those whom realities let down,
And I breathe those dreams and feed on them.

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